Bud 2 Bloom

Do Edibles Expire? Tips for Keeping Your Edibles Fresh

Can Edibles Expire?

Edibles have always been a go-to pick for the casual consumers and the longtime connoisseurs. Edibles are the perfect alternative for anyone who wants to enjoy the effects of marijuana without enduring everything that comes with smoking or vaping.

Like any food product, edibles have a specific shelf-life influenced by factors like the type of ingredients used, the method of preparation, and storage conditions. Typically, homemade edibles have a shorter lifespan compared to commercially produced ones due to the absence of preservatives, but that doesn’t mean your dispensary-bought edibles will last forever. So, if you already have some edibles on hand or plan to purchase them soon, it’s important to know when they expire and what for.

What Happens When Edibles Expire?

Cannabis Gummies (Edibles)

If you’re unsure of whether it’s time to toss your edibles, there are some key indicators you can look out for. You might notice mold, discoloration, a change in the consistency or texture, an off smell, or a strange taste. 

If you still have the edibles packaging, you can back up your findings by taking a look at the manufacturing date and the expiration date. The New Jersey Cannabis Regulations require that the expiration date be determined based on the time the product was manufactured, while including the results of shelf-life testing. In New Jersey, dispensaries cannot sell edibles that are older than six-months or any other noticeably expired edible products.

How to Store Edibles

Even though NJ dispensaries can’t sell cannabis products that are older than six months, you can hold on to them for as long as you want. If you only consume edibles on the odd occasion and want them to stay fresh for as long as possible, here are some tips for proper storage.

Store in the Right Conditions

It’s always best to store your edibles in a cool and dry place. This could be a cupboard that doesn’t get hit by direct sunlight, or your freezer. Most edibles (with the exception of beverages) survive the longest in a freezer since the below-freezing temperatures will prevent mold-growth and ensure the THC doesn’t face degradation. But keep in mind that freezing some products could impact their texture and taste. 

Use the Proper Packaging or Container

Storing your edibles in the packaging you bought them in is a great option. All NJ cannabis packaging is resealable and built to protect from contamination, making it a great storage option. Using the original edibles packaging also lets you refer back to dosage measurements, the included cannabinoids, and details about the flavor or brand. How to store edibles effectively involves using glass jars, silicone containers, or other airtight containers as well. If you’re planning on taking this route, make sure the container or jar is in a dark area and out of direct sunlight.

3-step guide on storing edibles

Avoid Storing Edibles in Humid Places

Excess humidity can cause moisture to infiltrate your edibles, leading to mold, and an unpleasant sticky or mealy texture. Even if you use airtight containers and keep your edibles in a cool, dark place, ignoring potential humidity can be enough to ruin your edibles. Because of this, you’ll want to avoid storing edibles in places like bathrooms or kitchens, where humidity levels often fluctuate. Consistent, low-humidity storage is key to keeping your edibles fresh for an extended period.

How Long do Edible Gummies Take to Expire?

Edible gummies have become very popular in recent years, and they’re now coming in numerous different shapes, sizes, forms, and flavors. If you’re buying edible gummies, here are some things you should consider.

So, how long do edible gummies take to expire? The answer depends on a number of factors, like the ingredients and their storage. If gummies are made using primarily natural ingredients, they could expire at a different rate than those that are more processed. The gelatin and sugar that’s usually in most cannabis gummies partially act as a preservative, but they still won’t last long if they aren’t stored correctly. Like most other edibles, gummies that are stored in a cold, air-tight, and dark environment will last longer than those that are not.

Once all of these factors are taken into consideration, you can expect your gummies to last anywhere from a few months, all the way to a couple of years. If you’re unsure about the recommended expiry date, be sure to check the label and read the manufacturer’s instructions on the edibles packaging and online!

The Verdict

So, do edibles expire? The answer is yes! You should always check your edible’s packaging for an expiry date and look out for signs of expiration before consuming edibles. This is especially true if you’ve been storing your edibles for a long period of time, or if the storage environment is less than ideal. Regardless, consume cannabis products with caution and speak to your Bud 2 Bloom budtender for advice!

Bud 2 Bloom offers a wide variety of edible cannabis products, and we can help you find one that’s perfect for you. Stop by today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do edibles expire? Yes! Edibles that are bought from a dispensary in New Jersey will eventually expire, however, there are ways to prolong the life of your edibles. The expiry date on edibles in New Jersey will be based on the manufacturing date and stability testing. Be sure to store your edibles in the appropriate environment. Typically, a cool, dry, and dark environment is best for keeping edibles fresh. You should also try to keep them in a location that has consistent, low humidity.

Generally it is recommended that you do not eat any expired cannabis edible products. Doing so can result in food poisoning, or other bacteria caused illnesses. Additionally, expired edibles will likely have lost a considerable amount of their potency.

Edibles will generally lose at least some potency after about one year. However, Edibles can lose potency at an accelerated rate through improper storage and exposure to light, heat, and or abnormally dry environments.

Typically, the best way to store edibles for a long period of time is in a cold, dark, and dry environment. Storing edibles in an air-tight or silicone container, or a jar, will also help to ensure your edibles are lasting as long as possible. Can edibles expire even in the best storing conditions? Yes! Edibles will eventually expire if left for a long enough time. Look for signs of expiration before consuming edibles.

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