Bud 2 Bloom

The Non-Intoxicating Side of Cannabis: CBD, CBG, CBN & More

The Full Potential of Cannabis

When most people think of cannabis, the first thing that comes to mind is that high sensation. But beyond the buzz, there’s an entirely different side of cannabis that’s known for wellness, healing, and balance, without any intoxicating effects.

So if getting high isn’t your thing, but you’re still interested in exploring some of the many benefits of marijuana, this blog is for you! Today, we’re sharing some of our favorite ways you can enjoy cannabis in a non-intoxicating way by utilizing some of the lesser-known cannabinoids: CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), and CBN (cannabinol).

CBD, CBG, and CBN are three powerful compounds that work harmoniously with your body to promote wellness, balance, and relief—all without any mind-altering effects. Let’s start by understanding what these cannabinoids are, how they interact with our bodies, and why they’ve become so popular in the world of wellness.

The Breakdown: CBD, CBG, & CBN


CBD is usually the second most common cannabinoid, running alongside THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). Both CBD and THC work with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), but in different ways. CBD has established its reputation for its ability to help people manage:

  • Ease headaches, inflammation, body aches, and other pains
  • Inflammation
  • Aches and pains
  • Anxiety
  • And much more!

Research also shows that CBD might help tone down the psychoactive effects of THC. So, if you’re worried about consuming too much THC, or you just enjoy a more subtle high, check out products that have a more equal CBD to THC ratio. 

This could be a 1:1 (equal parts CBD & THC), a 2:1 (twice as much CBD as there is THC), or more! Also, there are plenty of products that contain CBD only, for those who want to skip the intoxicating effects of THC altogether.

infographic with three circles displaying the different benefits between CBD, CBG, and CBN


CBG didn’t get the title, “mother of all cannabinoids,” for nothing! It’s primarily found in young cannabis plants, and it converts into other cannabinoids like CBD and THC as the plant grows. Because of this, CBG is typically harvested from young cannabis plants.

Even though it wasn’t always very common, CBG has gained a ton of popularity in recent years because of a variety of discoveries that display its extensive benefits in everyday life. Just like CBD, CBG is not psychoactive, which means it won’t make you feel high. However, it is said to have a more energizing and uplifting effect, while CBD is known for being calming and relaxing. Some of CBG’s benefits are:

  • Sleep regulation
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Increasing appetite
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • And a lot more!

CBG is commonly found alongside other cannabinoids like CBD and THC in a variety of marijuana products. However, you can also find products that feature just CBG, usually in the form of oil, capsules, edibles, and topicals. Ask your Bud 2 Bloom’s budtender to showcase some of our CBG products!


Someone holding a small container of a cannabis product in the air on a fall day with trees and the sky in the background

Believe it or not, enough CBN can get you high in the same way THC does. The main difference is that CBN is only about a quarter as strong as THC. This means you would need to consume a much larger amount of CBN to experience the same “high” sensation as you would with THC. CBN gets this unique characteristic because it’s actually derived from THC.

So if you don’t mind a bit of a high, or you’re looking for more of a balanced experience, then CBN could be right for you. Besides, there are plenty of other benefits that make this cannabinoid worth exploring! It’s been said to help with:

  • Chronic muscle pains
  • Sleep and relaxation
  • Increasing appetite
  • Anti-inflammation
  • And more!

Just like other cannabinoids, CBN can be found in a wide variety of products. You might see CBN in anything from bud and vape cartridges to pure oils and capsules. If CBN products are on your radar, check out Bud 2 Bloom’s wide selection of products in-store and online!

Potential Benefits with Low Doses of THC

Before we jump into this section, it’s worth pointing out that even low doses of THC can be intoxicating, and it’s important to use THC products responsibly!

THC is best known for creating that familiar high, which is why so many people have been drawn to cannabis over the years. But as science has shown, there’s so much more to cannabis than just getting high. The plant offers a wide range of benefits, especially when it comes to wellness. In fact, some of those benefits come from using THC in smaller doses. Some of the physical benefits include pain relief, improving sleeping issues, increasing appetite, and more. THC is also known for providing a number of mental benefits when consumed at a low dose, like anxiety and stress relief, relaxation, improved mood, and more.

Finding the Right Dose of THC

Making the most of these benefits comes with finding the right dose of THC for you. There are a number of factors that can influence what’s considered a low dose of THC. Because of this, it’s generally suggested that people start around 0.5 to 2.5 milligrams (mg) of THC, and scale up from there depending on the desired effect. Ensuring you’re not overdoing it can be challenging, so here are some tips!

How to Measure Cannabinoids in Your Cannabis Products

Avoiding the intoxicating effects of cannabis while consuming a product containing THC might be easier than you think.

You can ensure your THC intake will be low by buying cannabis products that have clear-cut measurements on the packaging. You’ll find that edibles, capsules, and tinctures will generally have an overall THC mg measurement, and a measurement that’s specific to each dose. So, if you buy a package of edibles that contains a total of 25 mg of THC within 10 total pieces, the package should also show that each piece contains 2.5 mg of THC.

On the other hand, vape pens, pre-rolls, bud, and other cannabis products can be more challenging to measure. The total amount of THC will still be displayed on the packaging, but the overall effect will depend on the product used. For example, two people could buy the same vape cartridge and take the same number of puffs from it, but they could end up consuming different amounts of THC. Factors like the length of time spent inhaling, whether the vape was pre-heated, and more can influence this.

In Conclusion...

Marijuana has so many diverse uses in the world of health and wellness, and just everyday life. It’s known for its intoxicating effects, but there’s so much more to it. We hope this blog sheds some light on some of the ways you can enjoy cannabis, with or without its psychoactive compounds.

If you’re interested in learning more, drop into Bud 2 Bloom! Our budtenders are well-versed in our diverse selection of products and happy to chat about the different ways you can implement cannabis into your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Know if a Product has CBD in it?

Cannabis products sold in New Jersey will have the CBD content displayed on the packaging. If you are unsure whether your cannabis product contains CBD, or you’re wondering how much CBD is in a product, as your bud tender!

CBD does not have any psychoactive effect, meaning you won’t feel “high” from consuming it. However, CBD is known to cause drowsiness, and muscle relaxation. The effects of CBD will also depend on the method of consumption, and the amount consumed.

CBN can incur a variety of effects, like relaxation, stress relief, and more. It’s important to note that CBN can have a psychoactive effect similar to that of THC, since CBN is a byproduct of THC. With that being said, CBN is only about 25% as strong as THC, so the psychoactive effects will be less intense than that of THC.

Regardless of how you consume cannabis, it can be intoxicating if it contains cannabinoids with a psychoactive effect. This means that any cannabis product has the potential to be intoxicating if it contains cannabinoids like THC, or CBN. This means that the best way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without feeling high is to avoid consuming any psychoactive cannabinoids.

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